Budget blues? Here are five low-cost tips to prepare your home for sale

Budget blues? Here are five low-cost tips to prepare your home for sale

There are countless TV shows and column inches written in magazines and on internet sites about how to prepare your house for sale and maximize its value – but what if you don't have the cash for a fancy bathroom remodel or to pay a landscaping company to give you instant curb appeal?

Not everyone has the money to spend on giving their home a facelift when they're trying to put as much money aside as possible for their next home and minimize their mortgage costs.

It's also fair to ask whether the money you spend on ensuring a five-star presentation will actually translate into a higher selling price.

My own years of experience in our neighborhood strongly suggest you will absolutely make your money back. And just as importantly, you'll likely reduce the time the property is on the market, meaning fewer marketing dollars. And you'll be able to move on with your life quickly.

Well-presented properties will always fly off the shelf, especially in a seller's market, which is what we're experiencing at the moment.

Below, I've made suggestions for how to improve your property on a minimal budget. I hope you find my ideas helpful. And in the meantime, if I can help you sell and then buy your next home, please do not hesitate to contact me. 

  • Be Selective: Most agents will say that repainting is a fabulous way to give your property a refresh. However, paint is not cheap. And it will be hours and hours of work if you do it yourself. So, ease your burden by being selective with the rooms that most need your focus.
  • How To Choose: For the purpose of repainting, think about which rooms will most influence your prospective buyers. Typically, they will be the living area, kitchen and bathroom.
  • Let In The Light: Natural light is so important when selling a home. Wash down your windows, both inside and out. Pull back the curtains before buyers come by, and move any furniture that may block the light. Additionally, turn on all your lights during walk-throughs.
  • Make Room: Work hard on making your storage areas perfect. Ensure your buyers see lots of space and everything is neatly stowed when they open cupboards, kitchen cabinets, and closets. Cupboards that spill their content when opened leave an impression of insufficiency.
  • Floor It: One of the most underrated facets of influence when selling a home are the floors. If you have wooden floors, consider a very light sand in areas where there are obvious marks and scratches. Then, apply a single polyurethane coating across the entire floor to bring out the character of the wood. With carpets, hire a steam cleaning machine from a local retailer or supermarket.

By following these simple tips, you can give your home a fresh and appealing look without spending a fortune. Remember, great presentation not only increases your home’s perceived value but can also speed up the selling process. If you're considering selling your home or need personalized advice to enhance its value, Key Connections Real Estate is here to assist you every step of the way. Contact us today, and let us help you achieve a successful sale and find your next dream home!

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